Thursday, December 29, 2011

Breakfast in The Quarter

Mom and Dad brought Sara down to spend a couple of days w us! Noah has been LOVING it! He loves his Eli! He has been on a high ever since she has gotten here! My baby girl never gets a chance to I have been really excited too! Yesterday we went to The Quarter for breakfast, and I got a few good shots of our family!


Dad and Mom took us to a quaint place on the corner of Jackson Square that makes killer omelets, however I thought that I would try the waffles; so glad that I did! Everything was delicious!

This is a picture of Mom and Noah. Noah did not want to sit still. I think he was ready to head to The Square and chase the pigeons! After breakfast Mom and Sara went to one of her favorite boutiques, and bought a couple of blouses. In the mean time..

Dad and Noah found a local  jazz band that sets up in front of the square.. Noah danced and clapped! He enjoys music. I think that is one reason he loves The Quarter so much. Great music.

Noah took a short break from the music in order  to love on PaPa's hand. This picture is priceless.

Mom always  tells me that a baby will ALWAYS find water. We told him that he could not swim in the fountain...

None the less, he tried anyway!

Noah and PaPa sat on the bench for a second, but Noah quickly found more pigeons to chase.

Noah began to wonder where Sara and Me Mol were??

There they are!

Quick family picture.

I wish we had a longer week, but they are heading back tomorrow.On the upside, we are coming in to spend a long weekend w everyone.  Sara is growing up too fast. I want have as much time as I can w her...which doesn't seem like enough. So I am so glad that she was able to come down for the week.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dammit Elf

I keep hearing about a magical elf, and his wonderful powers to keep children in line during Christmas! I was flipping thru some Christmas pics, and noticed a few things that made me smile..  First, a few nights before Christmas I gave Kelly and Noah an early present. A Star Wars coloring book. Kelly loved the coloring book,and Noah ...
He loved the crayons. Dammit, Elf! Where u at?
Here  is a quick shot of Kelly looking up at Noah..Wondering the same thing .. 'Elf, Where you be?!' An Elf is very much needed at The Mccaffrey household!
Here is a shot of Noah in front of the half decorated Christmas Tree. Yes, I am not sure where all the ornaments have gone! Kelly told me to check under the couch.. 'Dammit Elf, Where u is?!'
This is little man at mom and dad's house.. He gets up on stuff so much that he wanders around the house telling HIMSELF to 'Get Down'.. Before long he is gonna be on top of the Fridge. Gah! So mom presented me with Noah's own Magical Elf. I read the story that came along w him . Does he really have to fly back to The North Pole to be with Santa after Christmas??  

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cookies for Santa

Daddy and Noah making cookies for Santa. We sure are baking  these cookies early..hope Santa gets one!


Noah is rolling the dough.. He did such a wonderful job! He was such a great helper, until he
decided he wanted to put his foot in the cookie dough!

 Noah could not resist. He had to have a bite! Then I had to have a bite..
Then Noah .. Then me.. Then Day Day got on to us!

He said ' He thought one of us was bad enough, but now there are two of us eating while he is trying to cook!'


Now we wait! Cookies were ready in 12 minutes. Gone not long after they were ready.. I guess Santa gets
cheese this year!'

Inflatable Santa

 Man, Christmas morning is drawing near. I keep reminding Noah that Ho Ho is bringing him a train, and a big truck. His response, 'Ho Ho Ho Ho!' He is going to be so excited! I think he is going to think it is super cool, when he wakes up to all of his new toys Christmas morning! This year, Noah has really been enjoying all of the holidays. We have really been emphasising them to him! Kory blows up an inflatable 'whatever'  each holiday for all of the babies. During Halloween it was a ghost..Thanksgiving a turkey..Christmas a 12 Ft tall Santa! I think all of the kids really gets a kick out of this! When Kory put Santa up Noah ran up to it and said, 'Turkey?' I said 'No, Ho Ho!' He said 'HOOO HOOO! WOW!' It was awesome! A special thanks to Kory and Michele for being so good to Noah! Love y'all! Merry Christmas!

Arcade Fire - Coachella 2011- Tunnels & Sprawl II - Part 8

Ok, I just could'nt get moving this mornng. I had two cups of fiber/energy pills. Still nothing. I didn't feel like drinking anymore coffee, so I decided to get on the treadmill. That did it. Wake up World! Love it! Arcade Fire put a pep in my step this morning. Their intensity is so COOL! Have a good day people!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I'm Never Gonna Stop This Train

Noah had his first true hair cut today. The beautician was unable to save his curls this time. I will post a picture later of my growing boy. I loved his curls, but I love his new short hair. I thought this song was perfect for this post. John Meyer 'Stop This Train' It is one of my favorite songs. 'Don't stop this train Don't for a minute change the place you're in.' So I have learned thru life, 'I'm never gonna stop this train.'

The New Pornographers We end up together

Favorite tread mill song this morning! These guys are so inspiring! They have such a great sound! I hope this songs starts off your morning off right like it did mine! LaLaLaLa

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Italian Meatloaf

Kelly is going to make an Italian Meatloaf for Christmas. We usually eat a huge steak, but we want to try something a little different. Our Italian meat loaf will be accompanied by Kelly's famous twice baked potato, and cold blue cheese wedge salad. I can not wait! For desert Kelly is making Noah and me a surprise.. Wonder what It'll be! Christmas Eve Noah and I will bake chocolate chip cookies for Santa. Last year we left Santa cheese, and he was super good to us! So we definitely will not forget to leave him a good slice of Aged Vermont cheese! Delicious!

Here comes Santa Clause

Shew, Christmas shopping is over. ((All we have to do is buy Christmas Dinner.)) I can not wait for our baby boy to wake up to a room full of Santa Clause gifts. He is going to be so excited if Ho Ho brings him a Choo Choo train! It is a ride on train, that goes around in a circle on train tracks. Super cute. Ho Ho also might be bringing our baby boy a 4X4 Truck. When we are over at Michele and Kory's house we can always find Noah in Madison's coupe..Just chilling! So we thought this would be a good gift to ask Santa for! Those are his two big presents. He might also  be getting a fisher price ramp way and, all the  wheelies that go w it. Hopefully, Santa will bring Zig the Big Rig to haul his wheelies around in! He also asked Santa to start a Thomas the Train collection. So we are all excited about that!! 'Weebles wobble but they don't fall down'! Lets not forget the weeble tree house, and the weebles to wobble around! That is just for starters! I think this boy is on Santa's Nice list! WE COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT ALL WITHOUT MY MOM AND DAD.. THANK Y'ALL FOR ALLOWING OUR BOY TO HAVE SUCH A NICE CHRISTMAS. I LOVE Y'ALL...

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Year of the Half Decorated Chistmas Tree

Oh Christmas tree Oh Christmas tree how lovely are your branches! This year Noah is in FULL swing! He is all boy, and having the best Christmas season ever! This time last year he was just beginning to sit up, so this Christmas has been an eye opener! He is getting into everything!  When we put up the tree this year Kelly and I joked about having a  half decorated tree. We thought it was best to leave the bottom half of the tree bare. So we compromised, I decorated the bottom half of the tree for Noah, and the top half for Kelly and me! Noah takes full advantage of his half of the tree. All day I am constantly tripping over tree ornaments - then hanging them back in their rightful place. The other day I was sitting in the sun room adoring the tree. When I looked at Noah's half of the tree, and to my surprise it was mostly empty. I guess the tree has ended up half  decorated anyway! We are visiting Momma, and she is pulling tree ornaments to the top of the tree to keep him from breaking them! So before we leave, her tree will be 'half decorated'  too!  I must say, this year will always be known as 'The Year of the Half Decorated Christmas Tree!'

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The 12 Yats of Christmas

Christmas Memory

Every Christmas Eve Momma, and Daddy would read Twas The Night Before Christmas to Michele and me. I can remember nestling into our warm beds wearing our matching Christmas Pj's, and waiting for them to read to us. The eagerness and anticipation we felt as children..The joyousness, and excitement that we breathed.. The closeness, and love we felt for one another. Every emotion stirring inside us Christmas Eve; waiting for the son to rise Christmas morning. As children the brightness of these times are like stars in my heart. I will never forget these beautiful memories of my parents. During this time of year I can feel the love in the air that surrounds us.. Christmas is truly a time for family. We want to give Noah the Christmas Gift Kelly and I had as children, Love.  God gave us this beautiful time of year. God gave us his only son. A KING IS BORN, LET US REJOICE!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Silent Night

Silent Night. This song always seems to bring tears to my eyes, especially during Christmas Eve Mass... The pure joy I feel celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus, seems to  reach deep inside  my heart; when I hear these beautiful words. I look forward every year to hearing this song sung during Christmas Eve Mass.. Everyone's voice joining together as one, as the Church radiates with the joy, and anticipation of Christmas Morning .. The birth of our Lord Jesus!   Hear God's People join together and proclaim!

Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Saviour is born
Christ, the Saviour is born

Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth