Friday, March 30, 2012

Monday, Monday

                                                         Mom's side patio Buterfly Iris's

Monday morning Mom and I enjoyed the side patio. While Noah  came in and out of the fence, we rocked in our rocking chairs and listened to the sweet sounds o country life. Very Relaxing. Birds and Bumble Bee's sang their spring time songs.. Noah loved the  bumble bee's buzzing around. While Noah played in the side yard he sang, I'm bumble bee.. "I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee" I'm loving the spring weather!

Noah Coming in and out of the gate

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Birthday Flower Arrangement

It was my birthday weekend, and we were gearing up for the Patty Day Parade. We had family down, and I was looking forward to getting some great pictures. Sadly, my camera went out. My sweet husband rushed to the store that moment and bought me a new camera. Happy Birthday ME!! I was so excited to get a new camera! That afternoon Kelly went outside and picked a fresh arrangement from the yard. Here is a picture of my fresh flower arrangement taken with my new camera! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband. I love you Kelly! I can only hope I make you as happy as you make me...

My Birthday on The Hill

Mom, Dad Kory Sara, and I celebrated my 35th birthday yesterday. Kory and Daddy sat outside and cooked steaks.. Mom stayed inside, and made  baked potatos, macroni and cheese, corn on the cob, and banana pudding. Sara lounged in the recliner, and watched Saturday Night live. Noah and I was back and forth enjoying everyone's company.  Other than missing Kelly and Michele, we had a GRAND time! The steaks were delicous, the Pudding was sweet, and the  company was great! Noah even told me Happy Birthday! Thank Y'all. You all made my birthday so special!

Daddy and Me

Kory sharing his secret steak recipe with Noah

Memol letting Noah take a peek at the macroni and cheese


Me opening my presents. Michele Kory and Sara got me a shovel, gardening gloves, and a home depot card! Mom and Dad got me bath towels, and lots of spring clothes! I had a wonderful birthday with my family on The Hill! I love y'all!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Night Night Kiss

It is 'Night Night' time at MeMol and PaPa's house, and MeMol is sneaking in a quick kiss before I lay Noah down.. He is sitting next to his new friend, Bunny. MeMol and PaPa gave him this adorable rabbit for Easter. With his floppy ears, and soft coat he is the perfect night time partner! Night Night, Noah and Bunny!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Doesn't Miss a Beat

Jacquelyn Jackson Photography

Noah eating his yummy chex mix, while Pokie patiently waits for a bite! Noah is Pokie's BEST friend; Wherever Noah goes Pokie follows. Here is a scenario: Noah runs down the hall w a  HANDFUL OF TREATS, and  his faithful dog follows behind! When crumbs hit the floor Pokie Joe is there for the save! I get mad when Pokie Joe bugs Noah while he eats, but I am thankful I do not have to get the vacuum out every time Noah runs through the house with a cracker! Scenario Two:  Noah's hand is coated w blueberry yogurt! Pokie Joe is once again there for the save, however I would rather that than creamy yogurt  on the  couch! Pokie the Joe doesn't miss a beat, and NOT ONE SINGLE TREAT!  Gotta love it people! Gotta love it!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Noah the Great

When Noah was first born I had  to hold a pacifier in his mouth at night in order for him to sleep.When I let go of the pacifier he would wake up and start to cry. I learned how to hold a pacifier in place while sleeping at the same time! People told me that I was spoiling him, but you do what you have to in order to sleep.. Night after night. Little by little. Our sleeping patterns  started to get  better. See... He was finding his thumb, and the rest is HISTORY!

 Noah the Great and his Delcious Thumb

Photo by Jacquelyn Jackson Photography

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mom and Dad bought Noah a fort swing set for the backyard. It has everything! A slide, rock wall, swings, three different levels, and a picnic table. AWESOME!   Kelly finished putting it together yesterday, and Noah the Explorer has been all over it! He sat at his picnic table smiling, and said "picnic table"..  With little assistance he climbs to the first floor, then down. He loves going up and down, over and over! Kelly attached his steering wheel and telescope onto the first floor deck, so he can enjoy them now; obviously he can not climb onto the other two levels yet.. He was overcome w joy, while exploring his play fort. The fort has gone up in stages over a period of time, whenever Kelly had time he would piddled w it. Now it is fully functional, and Noah could not be happier! Jackie and Todd came down a few weeks ago for a weather conference and we got to visit w them. While they were here Jackie took some pictures of Noah in the backyard. Jackie is a professional photographer so I was so excited when she offered to take a few shots of our boy!  Here is a few shots from her session..  Noah Patrick sliding down his big green slide.  Jacquelyn Jackson Photography

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thinking back

I went through Noah's baby clothes today in order to make some space in the attic..  As I fold  night gowns, and straighten baby blue  bubbles, I shutter to think my baby boy is growing up too fast. Each piece of clothing brings back a memory of swaddling our newborn son. I was so unsure of myself as a new mother, and now almost two years later Noah is a smart and healthy toddler; exploring the world around him.. Pondering these beautiful memories I know one thing for certain.. I don't want to miss a single second of Noah growing up! I have stopped taking as many pictures and videos, however after today the camera is charging, ready to go!

Could it be that Kelly and I are ready  for baby number two? Are we ready to  embark on another adventure.. Perhaps so Perhaps so.
Good Morning!

Pokie Joe

Jackie took these amazing pictures of our 'ole girl;  she captured our baby's golden eyes..

To the girl that still gives me a kiss every night before bed,

Our Pokie Joe..

Talented and Creative Musician

Noah's favorite show is The Fresh Beat Band. It is a great show that teaches children about music. He will walk around the house pretending to play the trumpet. He has shown lots interest in music, which is wonderful! On an episode of the The Fresh Beat Band, The Fresh Beats make a drum set out of everyday items. The other day I heard racket coming from the hall. Investigating a little more, I noticed that Noah had pulled his clothes hamper into the living room! (We went w a construction theme for his big boy room hence the big tin can!) He pulled the tin can into the living room in order to make a drum set! What a talented, and creative musician we have on our hands!

Mardi Gras

We came home for Mardi Gras this year... Kelly had not been home, and this was a great three day weekend for him to visit w his family..

I think this year we are doing the Patty Day parade, which is this weekend! So we are looking forward to catching LOTS of heads of cabbage, and potatoes! I hope the rain holds off, b/c I am looking forward to pulling Noah around in his wagon, and cooking hot dogs on the grill!

For Mardi Gras Mom had a top hat and beads for Noah to play with. He loved it! The hat was easy for him to put on, and the he loved wearing the beads. What a great idea! Mom also had a crate of beads  Noah played w. He would take the beads out of the crate, and sit in it! His very own Mardi Gras float! So celebrating Mardi Gras this year in Vicksburg was a lot of fun. Mom has a way of making things fun for the kids!

                                 HAPPY MARDI GRAS FROM VICKSBURG MISSISSIPPI!