Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas w MeMol and PaPa

Once again we had a Fairy Tale Christmas on The Hill; around my house Christmas is a very magical time of year. While blogging about Christmas w my parents, I can picture all the things that make Christmas so special.. I can hear my mom singing Christmas Carols, while she does her chores around the house.. My dad makes sure there  is always a carton of Egg Nog in the fridge, only bc he knows how much I love Egg Nog! Sara's voice lights up the room w excitement, while Noah's laughter fills the air. Seeing Sara and Noah so happy together makes my heart smile.. These  are all Christmas memories to cherish, memories that will live in our hearts forever..

This year Noah was so hyped about opening gifts, before one present was unwrapped, he was rushing the tree for more! This was a bucket of soldiers from the movie Toy Story.

Sara helped unwrap while Day Day got the toys out of the box! It was a group effort! This is Rex from the movie Toy Story! He has so much fun w his Toy Story Friends!
I can see Slinky peeking his cute little head out of the box!
Day hard at work getting Slinky out of the box, with little helping hands
Little Feets in his Monkey Sleeping Bag! Kelly's parents got us sleeping bags for Christmas and the three of us have been watching movies in our bags! Noah asked for his sleeping bag tonight before he went to bed!
Let the playing begin!
Noah's cooking apron and hat! These two are a hoot!
Mom and Dad got Kelly and I a George Foreman! We have already used it a number of times! It is easy to cook w and easy to clean!
 A heater for Memol and PaPa - To stay warm while watching Eli play soccer!
My baby Girl.
Daddy found my old glove. He wanted Noah to have it!
As the excitement builds Sara is having to hold him back! What could be outside!
My Heart. 'Nuff Said.
The wait is over, It's a John Deer! Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
My beautiful family.
Trying to get a family shot was a little difficult! Noah has a led foot!
Noah loaded rocks, sticks, and last but not least Slinky The Dog.
This man can still make my heart skip a beat!
Looking at these pictures brings me such sadness; our girl is almost grown. Tell me, Where does time go? 
It  has been a wonderful Christmas, the only thing that would have made the day better would be the smiles of Skylar and Madison! Kory smiles as he sets up Noah's gun holsters.
Because this boy is a REAL cowboy now! Boots and All! Just like Woody!
Sara making us laugh! She is such a card!
Kory and Michele looking in their 'Coffee Basket'!
My sister made a beautiful Mardi Gras wreath for our door! Her wreaths are GORGEOUS!
Well, That's all Folks! Guns 'a Blazing!
Ask me how our Christmas  was this year, and I will respond w a quote from Buzz Light Year "To Infinity and Beyond!" That doesn't just go for Noah it goes for all of us! We love you, Memol and PaPa!
Merry Christmas y'all!

Christmas w Grammy and Poppy

Christmas w Grammy and Poppy.
  In joining together to recognize The Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ: We celebrate family, food, gifts, and our love for one another. This year our Christmas gathering was delightful! The food was wonderful, the wine was extraordinary, the company was relaxing, and our love for one another was plentiful! Each year after Our Christmas Celebration passes, Kelly and I are speechless of how truly blessed our families are!
'The Stocking'
Noah's stocking is the biggest stocking I have ever seen!

We never thought that the gifts and surprises would stop appearing!
However, I think Grammy and Poppy have as much fun stuffing his enormous stocking as....


As Noah does opening it!!

In the meanwhile people began showing up! Let's get this party started! Among the people who were there, their were two very important ladies who graced us w their presence, MiMi and Aunt Nez..

Seeing these two lovely sister's smile will brighten up any ones day!

MiMi and Aunt Nez Lit up when they saw their Christmas picture of Noah Patrick sitting in Santa's Lap..

Even Uncle Tim was filled w joy when he saw Noah in Santa's Lap..

Poppy and Uncle Tim  watch another
set of amazing sister's light up the room while..

While sharing gifts w one another!

Tina also brought a bag of gifts for Noah, Kelly and me.. 
Aunt Tina always seems to know what to get! Noah was excited to see a Monkey Blanket and Pillow! Noah is fascinated w Curious George! He even acts like George: GETS  IN TO EVERYTHING!
I took this picture of Noah and Grammy playing w his plane that they gave him..
See, Grammy and Poppy know that he LOVES airplanes and Helicopters, so this was the perfect gift for this little man!

To Infintiy and Beyond! Noah opening Toy Story action figures!
 Grammy and Poppy even bought Noah 'The Moon' ...  And they did not stop there ...
They gave Kelly and me the moon too! We love y'all!
In the meanwhile Kelly is visiting w Mi Mi. Such a good women and a strong role model! I hope I am still tending a garden @ 84 years old!
Where has all the boys disappeared to?
Well, to shoot a bubble gun of course!!
Then after playing w the bubble gun, he asked his Day Day to go and get his sunglasses,
After all Batman isn't Batman with out Batman Sunglasses!
To the BatMobile Poppy! You Swing. I'll Shoot!
And Noah settled down for a long winter's nap, while we played w our Christmas gadgets!!
Merry Christmas Y'all
We love y'all,
Kim Kelly and Noah