Sunday, November 20, 2011

Down Time

Day and Noah winding down last night..

Day and Noah waking up this morning!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

BEIRUT - In the Mausoleum from The Flying Club Cup

Edward Sharpe and the magnetic zeros - River of love

[acoustic] Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros - Truth

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home (live @ kcrw)

Father's Day

Father's day. I had to take pictures, b/c I knew I would not be able to find the right words to explain they way my husband was feeling.. It was beautiful. Father and Son. Having a day to tell Kelly the importance of being a father meant so much to Noah and me. Kelly is such a strong man; he will do anything to protect his family.   However, sometimes in the midst of all his strength, you can see a daddy whose heart melts in the presence of his son. In these pictures I think I captured this emotion quite well..

The Walking Stick

Long ago PaPa cleared the land in order to make a trail to the mailbox.  PaPa used to take little Sara for  walks on trail. They would stop and have a picnic, and enjoy each others company. PaPa loved these time with his baby girl.  On the way back they would stop to get the mail and bring it back to MeMol. So when Noah got old enough he wanted to take baby Noah for a walk to the mailbox. As of right now the trail is overgrown, so the two of them walked down the gravel drive. This day was  a  very big deal. Now that  Sara has gotten older PaPa passed the walking stick to Noah.

Friday, November 18, 2011


The ocean looks different than before; frightened by it's grandeur..  Holding our only child before the ocean's rage, we recognize the world is an unforgiving stage. Afraid of what the future will bring, it's true that a baby changes everything.. Nothing is secure anymore, we begin our struggle across the ocean floor. The ocean looks different than before; frightened by it's grandeur.

Too Da Loo

Too Da Loo times from long ago, a Too Da La is in order so I can grow.. I'll put my memories in a mason jar, and tie them to a shooting star. I'll Send them on their merry way, to make room for a new day. New memories will be made with Family and Friends, live life to its fullest, don't wait till the end. While we watch our days quickly pass, our memories multiply like prairie grass . So remember to  Live Laugh and Cry, and when its time, my star will shoot across the sky. Do not be saddened, dry your eye, and whisper fairly,  'Too Da Loo, Fare thee Well, Good bye.'

Monday, November 14, 2011


Terra Nova: "In the year 2149 the world is dying. The planet is overdeveloped, overcrowded and over polluted. With the majority of plant and animal life extinct, devotion to science has brought mankind to the brink of destruction, but has also provided its only hope for salvation. Knowing there is no way to reverse the damage to the planet, a coalition of scientists has managed to open up a fracture in the space-time continuum, creating a portal to prehistoric Earth. This doorway leads to an amazing world, one that allows for a last-ditch effort to save the human race ... possibly changing the future by correcting the mistakes of the past." 

Kelly and I are watching this series together. Finding things that we can share together has  always been a great way for us to stay connected..We have so many different things in common that we have never had any trouble connecting; even as kids. I love Kelly. He is not only my Husband, and the father of my son, but my best friend.

Tori amos- pretty good year

Just a cold

Ok. It is just a cold. Everything looks good. He did not sleep last night, and this morning all he did was scream hystarically. I became very worried and brought him in to see the first doc available. We did not see our normal doctor, but I like this doctor  too. He suggested Dimatap DM 4X a day, half a tsp. If that does not work..he gave me a prescription for an antibiotic. He told me to let it run its course, and by thursday if it is not better, to fill the prescription. On another note.. Earlier this week he had some prettty serious chaffing going on. The doctor says it looks like it has healed.  ((For those who wanted to know)) :) He did not sleep last night, I bet he takes a long nap, especially after taking the cold meds.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Raising Hope

FIVE STARS! We LOVE this show at our house!

New Things

Yea Baby! We have new toothbrushes! Funny when you get old, how the littlest things make your day!  Today each of us have two brushes. Wonder how long that will last. I'll ask Noah in the morning..

These two pictures ALWAYS  brighten my day. If you look closely Not everyone fits in the picture.

The Shins - Australia

Challengers - The new pornographers

The New Pornographers - Electric Child Of Witchcraft Rising [HD]

A Passion Flower for Pookie

We used to have the most beautiful Passion Vine. We had it for years, but it finally died.  After we moved away from V'burg it never really recooperated, and I don't think that it liked it in NOLA. After the vine died we had an arbour full of butterfly cocoons. It was amazing. In this clip Kelly is giving me a passion flower. 'A passion flower for pookie'

Spoonful of Sugar

We took Noah to get donuts - just to get him out of the house for a second - he enjoyed the ride. When we got home Kelly took him outside to play. It is such a beautiful day. I don't think he feels good, but he enjoyed the fresh air. He is napping now. I think I might make a doctor's apt for Monday, b/c every once in awhile I hear him say "Ouch." So I am thinking it might be his throat or ears. Dunno, but we will find out Monday. ...By the way we went to Dunkin' Donuts, and the donuts were fine! A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down!

Fleet Foxes - Grown Ocean Ok People, Great Band! Eh?

'I Told You So'

OK, I wanted to move the twin bed out of Noah's room in order to give him more space in his bedroom. Now that he has gotten a little older I no longer feel the need to have the extra bed in his room... I called Kelly at work. It was then that he informed to wait for him, bc the bed does not fit through the door. Fooey! I wanted to do it, and I wanted to do it then! So the struggle began. After the pictures were knocked off the wall, the floors were scuffed up, bed paint was chipped off the bed onto the walls, and the bed was pretty much broken.  I  finally made it to the other room with the bed. I put it together the best possible way I could, and leaned it on the walls to hold it in place. OK I was wrong to move it, but after it was out of the doorway, and stuck in the hall; something had to be done. And yes .. Kelly said the dreaded words ... 'I told you so.'  LIVE LOVE LAUGH! Sometimes a sense of humor is the best gift God can give!

A Step in the Right Direction

We partied last night until 12:30 blogging. Usually we are in bed around 9:00 so Noah calling my name at 6:00 this morning was quite the surprise. He woke up real fussy, and is already napping. He still feels feverish, but you never know, b/c our 50 dollar thermometer is TERRIBLE. He is IN HIS CRIB, this is a step in the right direction, b/c yesterday he would not let us out of his sight. I am blogging and Kelly is playing Star Wars on the Wii. I guess his coffee is working much better than mine.. YAWN.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Andrew Bird - Tenuousness live In The Basement .. I LOVE how this guy is always whistling


 By the way  ..  It was a Raisin Bran kind of day .. Without the extra raisins! LaDeDoDaDay!

Simon & Garfunkel Scarborough Fair

Tomorrow is Another Day

Noah has been pretty sick today. It would not bother me as much if I knew why he is sick.. He is hardly ever sick, so when he is sick you know it. As he laid on the couch I explained to him that he is sick, and that is why he feels so yucky. He replied with a long miserable sigh  'Siiiick.' After he falls and hurts himself, he usually asks me to rock him. Today  I knew he was hurting somewhere, b/c he  asked to rock a lot. I kept fluids in him and gave him Tylenol every four hours. His daddy went to sonic, and brought back his favorite..  A corn dog and cherry limeade.  He ate like a king. This made me feel so much better. Quote for the day ..   'Sunny Days Sweeping The Clouds Away ...  Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?' I will hear this in my sleep tonight. Anyway, Noah is sleeping now.  This is the best thing for him.. Tomorrow is another day.

Dear Summer...

   Dear Summer, I am missing your warm breeze, monkey grass, and crape myrtle trees. Wet swim suites, fresh cut grass, and muggy weather forecasts; all will be missed but never surpassed. My son turned one year old ... The years adventures told ... Time waits for no soul. 
We must move on to a more 'Brown Lawn.' Fall time awaits like the breaking dawn. Live Laugh and Smile more, and do not let winter's cold breeze wash away your shore.

Can I Go Outside Mom?

GooGaaaSwingTooDaaSlide... CooDoooWagonWideBooMoooBall???

Co Co Puffs or Raisin Bran?

Co Co puffs or Raisin Bran? I am often facing this question. In the top of the pantry sits a box of Raisin Bran, and in the bottom of the pantry sits a box Co Co puffs. When I bought the Co Co Puffs I knew the consequence of having it in the house, however I bought it anyway. Wait for the best part - I bought it at Sam's - So I bought THREE of them! So this morning I ask myself - 'Will it be a Co Co Puff day?' I hope not. It will probably be a Raisin Bran day w EXTRA raisins. I can't win!

Where's all of the toothbrushes?

'Where's all of the toothbrushes?' This question is a question that we are often asking each other in The Mccaffrey household.. Every time Noah goes into the bathroom, in his wee little voice, he asks us 'Teeth?' All of our toothbrushes are sitting in a cup of peroxide to kill the germs b/c once Little Big Man gets hold of a tooth brush, he is off! He loves to brush his teeth and OUR teeth. This boy loves TEETH .. as well as he should .. cutting his teeth has been hard on the little fellow. Kelly got in last night, and sure enough the first question of the night was... 'Where's all of the toothbrushes?' 'I don't know but as soon as Noah wakes up in the morning I will be sure to ask him!' Me Me

Friday, November 11, 2011

Evening Tea

This is my first blog. Ideally I would be blogging in the morning after my 'morning cereal', b/c this is when I am at my best... Tonight I am tired. This blog will be to the point.   I am reflecting on  my day w my evening tea, and I must say it has been a pretty lazy day. Kelly left this morning to go to the deer camp, and Noah and I have been lounging in our PJ's all day... It was not until five 'oclock that Noah remembered he had not been outside to swing.. So we put our jackets on and ventured outside to 'The Fort'. We played in the swing till dark, and he talked to me  about the 'MoooOn'.  I finally talked him into coming inside for a juice box, and a bath. When he got out of the bath tub he: Brushed his teeth - then immediately headed to the cookie jar.. ((giggle)) So we sat on the couch and ate cookies and drank milk. After plenty of Booes Cooes I felt like I needed to lay him down so I could straighten the house before Kelly got home. I laid him down, but soon after washing the dishes in the sink I heard a little voice coming from the bedroom. I peeked in there only to see the sweetest smile I've ever seen!  So, we spent the rest of the evening together cuddled in the recliner watching Blues Clues. Not too shabby of a night! Now I am waiting on Kelly to get home from The Camp. Can't wait to lie in bed and hear about Kelly's day. Me Me