Saturday, November 12, 2011

Where's all of the toothbrushes?

'Where's all of the toothbrushes?' This question is a question that we are often asking each other in The Mccaffrey household.. Every time Noah goes into the bathroom, in his wee little voice, he asks us 'Teeth?' All of our toothbrushes are sitting in a cup of peroxide to kill the germs b/c once Little Big Man gets hold of a tooth brush, he is off! He loves to brush his teeth and OUR teeth. This boy loves TEETH .. as well as he should .. cutting his teeth has been hard on the little fellow. Kelly got in last night, and sure enough the first question of the night was... 'Where's all of the toothbrushes?' 'I don't know but as soon as Noah wakes up in the morning I will be sure to ask him!' Me Me

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