Friday, October 25, 2013

The Head And The Heart - Down In The Valley (Acoustic)

No Happy Stamp

In my earlier post I asked the question: To nap or
Not to nap? I wanted to go ahead and answer that: The answer is To nap. Without a nap he is stubborn disobedient and generally no fun to be around. So the sleep war continues y'all. He got in trouble the other day at school. He was defiant to his teacher and I attribute that to no nap the day before.  He has been talked to and hopefully he will greet us with a happy stamp and a big smile this afternoon!

In other news I have been having migraines. I need to go to the doctor but I just cant seem to get around to it. I have started drinking protein shakes and taking vitamins. I am trying to cut out sugar. Hopefully the headaches will let up. It is no fun. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Camping Weather.

 I can't wait to fill the crisp air.

  Gathering wood.  Smelling the camp fire on your jacket. Cooking your dinner over the open fire. Counting the stars. Cuddling deep into your sleep bag. Waking up to see the sun rise. Smelling fresh peculated coffee. Adoring my husband  as he cooks a fine breakfast in his Pj's. Taking a long hike thru the woods. Stopping to rest and taking in the fresh air.

This year is Noah's initiation.

Will it be the same?

No. It will be even better!

To nap or Not to nap

I have always had trouble getting Noah to sleep; whether it was nap time or night time. Noah puts up a hell of a fight, however I can always see in his eyes how sleepy he really is. It is super frustrating  -especially since I know he needs his rest in order to have the energy he needs.Three years later the fight continues, but I don't think I have the patience to keep up the struggle every day. The sad thing is about 5:00, after a napless day, his eyes get heavy. Sadly I can't let him close his eyes so late in the day, b/c I wouldn't be able to get him to sleep that night. So now that my patience is running thin I think I am going to give up the fight, and hope that on the days that he REALLY needs his rest he is able to close his  and sleep.  
I'm excited about blogging again. 

 We are moving our family  back to Mississippi, and we hope to settle down in Madison. Kelly is getting transferred to The Vicksburg District, but will continue to work on New Orleans projects. Hopefully he can get his foot in the door and apply for a  position at the Vicksburg District, but until then he will be traveling back and forth from  V-burg to NOLA on our own dime. He is currently in New Orleans working on a project in the field. He will be there for two weeks. The upside to that is  Noah and I are meeting him there for Halloween. We are leaving on the 31st because I am doing the Halloween Party at Noah's Preschool. We plan to Trick or Treat in Lake View. This is where we trick or treated last year and it was a HUGE  party . We had such fun so we decided to enjoy it one last year. Noah is obsessed w camoflauge so naturally he is going to be decked out in camo for Halloween! Kelly and I  are also dressing in  camoflauge as well! Well, I am about to head and pick up my boy at school. I hope to see a happy stamp and a big smile! Tootles 

To be a poet

I believed I wanted to be a poet but deep down I just wanted to be a poem. 
- Jamie Gil de Beidma

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

'Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the Autumn tree.'

Emily Bronte

Noah Patrick
Fall 2012 
Autumn came, with wind & gold.

Sara Elizabeth
Fall 2013
Senior Year
 Take me Anywhere!

Camping Trip 
Fall 2009
Don't fill your head with worry.
There will not be any room for anything else.

Kelly Patrick
Noah's 3rd Birthday
You don't get the same moment twice in life...

Eli & Noah
Summer 2013